Monday, July 4, 2011

What are the effects of divorce on children?

I don’t know a thing about you, but I’m willing to bet that you’re worried about the effects of divorce on children because you’re seriously considering ending your marriage...but you don't want to hurt your children.
When making the difficult decision of whether or not to get a divorce, there are several very important factors you need to keep in mind when it comes to your children’s welfare.
Since most couples tend to focus on their own needs and their own hurt during a divorce, more often than not, their child’s needs suddenly become ‘secondary’. The tips in this article will help you understand the effects of divorce on children and help you keep your children’s best interest in mind.
When you first “break the news” to your child, their initial reaction might vary from extreme anger, to sadness, to drawing an immediate conclusion that their parents’ breakup is their fault. One of the most damaging effects of divorce on children is the different “outlets” they turn to in an effort to deal with their hurt and pain.
There are so many effect but I can only use one to keep my blog shot
Unfortunately, one of these “outlets” is…drugs.
Kids use drugs to cover up the emotional pain they’re feeling as a result of the troubling events that led to the divorce. This often leads to poor grades in school and even can result in the child dropping out of school completely.
But aside from those “physical” effects of divorce, there are many damaging emotional side effects that your children will carry with them for the rest of their lives. For instance, studies have proven that one of the most common emotional effects of divorce on children has been low self-esteem.
This lack of self-esteem carries into their adult lives and leads to many unpleasant side effects like troubled relationships, difficulties finding a job and marital troubles.

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