Monday, July 4, 2011


It’s a fact. Combining children and divorce often leads to a wide variety of problems down the road. It’s unbelievable how many people get a divorce without looking into what kind of effect it might have on their children. But because you’re reading this, I’m willing to bet you are NOT one of these people.
Unfortunately, the traumatic effects of divorce on children stay with them throughout their childhood and continue on into their adult lives. And in most cases, couples find themselves involving their children in divorce - which only continues to make things worse.
While there is nothing you can do to completely eliminate the effects of divorce on your children, there ARE some things you can do for your children to keep the pain and heartache to a minimum.
When bringing up the divorce word to your children, learn what to say and what NOT to say to your children. Talking to your child about divorce can be very difficult if you don’t know in advance what to say. I encourage you to make a checklist so you can organize your thoughts and appear calm and collected when talking to your children.

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